The Release Technique by Larry Crane, is a powerful and easy to use program that helps you release negative feelings, beliefs and emotions, that are preventing from achieving vibrant health, wealth and true happiness.
As humans, we’ve always had the ability inside of us to release what we don’t want. As we grow up, we’re told to sit down and be quiet. This actually teaches us to hold in and bottle up emotions. Over time we lose the natural ability we had as children to let go of negative beliefs.
As we internalize this negative programming we get from parents, friends and the media, this begins to shapes our subconscious negative self image and beliefs from childhood, that we carry into adulthood.
This is not some new age thinking. Learning to release negativity and looking inside for happiness, actually dates back thousands of years to the writings of ancient philosophers, such as Confucius, Plato, and Socrates.
The good news is you can undo your negative programming quickly and effortlessly. The Larry Crane Release Technique teaches you how to quickly and permanently release negative beliefs, feelings and emotions that prevents you from achieving the following positive benefits:
- perfect health
- eliminating stress, anxiety and depression
- having effortless positive relationships with loved ones, friends and colleagues
What is Releasing, and What can It Do for You?
Releasing is the simple-to-learn process of bringing up and letting go of negative subconscious and conscious feelings, beliefs and emotions related to :
- fear
- sadness
- worry
- anger
- grief
- depression
- procrastination
- and more.
Larry Crane says The Release Technique is experiential not intellectual. You can’t just read about it in a book. You have to do it. As Lester Levenson explained, you have to show up 100%. If you’re present, you learn the releasing techniques and use them, you’ll overcome any issue and achieve total peace.
How I discovered The Release Technique
I discovered releasing in 2007, while searching for a spiritual healing program to eliminate stress, anxiety, depression and insomnia that had plagued my life for several months.
Due to the stress, anxiety and depression, I felt heavy like weights were making it almost hard to walk at times. With each new stressor, could feel negative energy entering my body, that left me with constant body aches and pains.
I was sleeping 2 hours a night for weeks. The only remedy the doctors had were antidepressants. I reluctantly tried them, and it made the situation worse. It caused blurry vision, confusion and migraine headaches. One night my headache was so bad, I literally thought I was having a stroke.
I threw the pills out and ordered the Release Technique that day.
Once the program arrived, I started doing the releasing exercises and found a releasing partner.
Within one week of learning the simple releasing exercises, I could actually feel the negative energy leaving my body. It was the most amazing experience. I began sleeping 8 hours a night without the use of medications and my family said I found my happiness again.
In addition to the feelings of stress and anxiety, I was often plagued with insomnia. The stress, anxiety and insomnia made me feel like I wanted to die. The confusing thing was that I knew I really didn’t want to die. I knew I had too much to live for and my family needed me.
I learned from releasing that the feeling of wanting to die, was actually due to a loss of self worth. When I loss my job, I lost my self identity as I tied my self worth to my job title. Without my job, I had no self identity.
I went in search of a natural cure for stress. While searching the internet I discovered The Release Technique and bought the course.
I began to manifest the things I wanted into my life, and my self esteem shot through the roof.
The Larry Crane Release Technique (Abundance Course), is a 10-CD program and workbook. Larry Crane guides you through the complete releasing process.
You will get a free monthly newsletter, called Release Magazine, with tips on how to super charge your releasing.
You also get a telephone number for releasing assistance with a live coach.
Who is Lester Levenson
Larry Crane’s Release Technique is based on the work of his mentor, Lester Levenson, that he learned back in the 70’s.
Lester discovered the simple manifesting process of releasing negative beliefs from his subconscious mind in 1952 after he was sent home from the hospital to die after his second heart attack.
Levenson, a physicist who knew about energy, discovered this simple process to free the subconscious mind of negative core beliefs. He cured himself of all his physical and mental ailments within three months, and lived another 40 years in total peace.
People are always searching for peace, happiness, love and wealth outside of themselves. People too often look for peace and happiness in someone else, in something else, in a job or money. The fact is you must search within yourself to find true peace, love and happiness. As Lester Levenson says, “you must look inside of yourself, and you will find total happiness.”
You can learn the same method here that Lester discovered for himself.
Click Here to Learn How You Can Save $100 Now When You Order the Release Technique Abundance Course!
The Key is to Give Yourself Permission
The key to letting go of negative feelings and beliefs is to give yourself permission to let go.
In Larry Crane’s The Abundance Course, you will to “allow yourself” to let go of your negative subconscious beliefs, feelings and emotions. Allowing simply gives yourself permission to let go of those destructive negative beliefs, feelings and emotions.
Holding on prevents you from achieving the happiness, wealth, peace of mind, love and radiant health you desire.
We all already have the power within us to clear negativity and live a life of peace and happiness. Unfortunately, most people never use this free gift. They never give themselves “permission” to live the life they were destined to lead.
With The Release Technique, you learn how to reconnect to your infinite and unlimited spiritual self that is always there, but is covered up by limitations we put on ourselves. You can release anything that is preventing you from achieving whatever you want in life.
Three Ways to Release?
If you think about a negative feeling, belief or emotion, you will generally begin to feel a tightening in your stomach or chest. This is your body’s way of letting you know it wants to release it. You need to first acknowledge the good and bad feelings around this issue.
With the Release Technique Abundance Course, you will learn the Three Processes to Release Negativity that Lester Levenson discovered back in 1952:
- Allowing
- Letting go of Attachments
- Letting go of Aversions
Allowing is the process of giving yourself permission to let go of whatever you are holding on to. Once you learn to let go, the negative feelings, beliefs and emotions will start to percolate up from your subconscious, or even the negative feelings that are stored in your body as stuck energy.
Attachments are the emotions, feelings or beliefs we hold close to us.
Aversions are the feelings, emotions, or beliefs we try to push away from us.
Whether you are keeping beliefs emotions close or pushing away, this results in energy being stuffed down into your body, where it pushes against organs, muscle and tissue. This actually impacts proper function of your body, thus resulting in illness, sickness, sadness, depression or disease.
Doing the attachment and aversion exercises releases this stuck energy. Whether you want to hold on to something you think is positive or worse you are afraid to let go of, you’re using up energy. Conversely, when you push away the beliefs, feelings or emotions, you are still holding on to them.
Larry Cranes Release Technique exercises neutralizes the negative energy, which allows you to easily let them go, and you won’t even think about them anymore. You may actually
What is AGFLAP?
Pronounced Ag-Flap, this is an acronym developed by Lester Levenson for the key feelings people hold on to.
Appathy, Grief, Fear, Lust, Anger, Pride
These are the feelings that most people hold on to when dealing with an issue. You will learn what each stage is, why each one is so destructive, and how to get rid of it for good.
Lester developed this acronym when he learned to let go of the negativity he had been holding onto for years, which was the source of his misery and poor health.
The goal is to get out of AGFLAP, and to live in a state of total peace. Larry takes you through a creative exercise by releasing on phrases many people identify and internalize associated with each word of AGFLAP.
As you let go, you begin to feel yourself becoming lighter and free!
In this rare video, Lester Levenson describes AGFLAP
Stop Holding On to Negative Beliefs for Good
With The Release Technique, you will learn to stop holding on to the negative core feelings, beliefs and emotions that are the source of your emotional suffering.
Most people are living their lives holding on to subconscious negative core beliefs. These negative beliefs are often programmed in when we are children, often without even knowing it. Even worse, we often hold on to carry this negative subconscious programming into adulthood.
You will learn how to use the easy energy healing techniques to let go naturally, like you did when you were a child.
You see, children have the ability to just let things go. Have you watched children playing, they start fighting and then just seem to let it go and resume playing as if nothing happened?
As we get older, we unfortunately forget how to naturally let go of fear, worry and anger, for example. We are taught to sit down and be quiet. Over time, this teaches us to suppress our feelings, not let them go. Releasing negativity helps you get back in touch with this natural ability to just let go.
The best way to overcome negative emotions and feelings, such as anger, fear, grief, lust or worry is by releasing them.
Releasing is a natural human process to clear negative emotions, yet people seem to lose this ability as they age (or are taught this). This is why so many adults have road rage, violent anger outbursts, or seem to hold grudges for weeks, months or years. Just let it go!
With the Release Technique, you will learn to regain this important lost skill of letting go.
How You Can Eliminate Stress and Anxiety
Stress, anxiety, anger, depression and insomnia are the human body’s response to internal or external events or conflicts that cause a negative internal response.
With the Release Technique, you will learn what really causes stress, anxiety, fear, anger and even depression. More importantly, you will learn how to let go of these negative emotions quickly and permanently, without the use of medications.
Stress and anxiety are stored in the body as negative energy. This energy presses against muscles, joints and organs causing muscle and joint pain, poor sleep, depression, illness or disease. This negative energy even impacts proper function of body’s major systems.
Using “allowing,” you are giving yourself permission to finally let go of the internal resistance you carry, so you can eliminate negative beliefs, feelings or emotions from your subconscious mind or beliefs these negative feelings are protecting you.
9 Amazing Benefits of the Release Technique:
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
If for any reason or no reason at all, you are not happy with the program, just contact customer service within 30 days of the purchase date for a refund.

The Pro’s of using The Release Technique are:
The Con’s of the Release Technique:
- The program is not cheap at $247.00 to receive the physical CD set, but is still cheaper than the cost of a therapist!
- You must complete the entire course to gain the full benefit of The Release Technique.
Release Technique Testimonials:
“I’ve recently gained:-Over $1,500 in unexpected income.
“I have come to realize during this first week of the 30 Day Program that if I let go and put out an intention my answers are all there in a beautiful way.
“I wanted you to know that I had said, at the Abundance Course in Denver, that my work week had gone down to approximately 2 days a week and my income had approximately doubled but I was wrong. When I arrived home from the Course, I checked my computer program and while I had worked only approximately 2 days a week in March my income did not double. It tripled!
“As I have released and moved into love, my business partner has completely changed. My life has completely changed for that matter. It has become more harmonious. More satisfactory. More loving and peaceful.
“A year ago, I became ill and was diagnosed with heart failure. My cardiologist scheduled me for an echo cardiogram. It indicated my heart function was at 25%. I began using the Release Technique intensively along with heart medication. Within 6 months, my heart improved to 40%.
Here are the Two Ways to Get The Release Technique
Click Here to Purchase Option 1 for $97.00
Once you purchase the Release Technique, you will be sent a link to access the course. There is no waiting.
Click Here to Purchase Option 2 for $247.00
Once you purchase the Release Technique, you will be sent a link to access the course. There is no waiting. In addition, you will receive the physical CD set of the course in the mail. This way you can access the Release technique even if you don’t have internet access.
Ken Weiss is a health blogger who is passionate about natural and holistic cures for men’s health issues. He is the founder of
Hello Ann,
Thank you for your thoughtful comment about your daughter and her weight issues. It’s clear you love her and want what is best for her. Yes, the Release Technique will help you and your daughter. The program will release the negative subconscious beliefs and feelings you are holding onto about this issue, and will help your daughter release the negative beliefs that are keeping her stuck and maybe using weight to hide behind other issues. By releasing the negative beliefs, this can allow your daughter to finally have the courage and strength to lose the weight she needs to lose for her health and self consciousness.
Regards, Ken
Great comment on relaxation, EVA
I am so worried about my 37 year old daughter’s health, being overweight by probably 40 pounds. I know I cannot make her do what she needs to do to become healthier. She was born with a genetic condition which required me to manage her “diet” for years, well till she was in her teens. But I feel I’ve never let go of being hyper-vigilant about her. When I was a child, I remember my mother and grandmother making snide remarks about overweight children. My mother was ill from the time I was 15 months old, having contracted polio then. Most of her life was full of pain and suffering, except for a few years now and then. She also tried to commit suicide twice. I feel her life and the fact that my daughter was diagnosed at 10 days old, threw me into this state where I cannot give up the concern. My daughter and I have a good relationship but this is a point where I know my concerns bother her. I know I should let her live her life so can this help me?
Mike, thanks for the comment. Good information on a natural cure for panic attacks. Ken
Hello Eva, thanks for the message on stress release. I prefer tropical fish to gold fish for stress release. Tropical fish are prettier as they swim around and the soft bubbling sound of the water filer can be soothing. Besides there is less work to clean a tropical fish tank.
Good tips and well written article. I have to say that for me fish are really great at home stress relievers. Fish are easy to keep and it is very calming to watch them swimming around. Yes, I know that fish don’t really communicate with humans but still, they are calming. How do you feel about fish as stress relievers?
Best Regards
Eva Mat
Nice Article Ryan